business come up with multiple requirement, in order to meet sticky requirement, you have to write iRule.
Here is URL keyword base iRule, Many time business need traffic need to require base on URI.
Below is example,
Requirement, :- Need to redirect traffic base on URI keyword
suppose business url is "", However business want to redirect traffic like "", "" and all other , need to redirect different set of application servers.
you need follow below step also need to write iRule
- Create 3 different pool base on require set of severs and services
- for "/abc" --> create pool "pool_abc"
- for "/xyz" --> create pool "pool_xyz"
- for default traffic --> create pool "pool_default"
- Create 3 different pool base on require set of severs and services
- create custom monitor else default monitor bind with pool
- create below iRule
- create VIP and bind pool and rule
- iRule
if {[HTTP::uri] start_with "abc"} {
pool pool_abc
if {[HTTP::uri] start_with "xyz"} {
pool pool_xyz
else {
pool pool_default
#iRule #BeF5 #F5network #learning #F5blogger #Blogger #F5community #Trafficredirect #network #Networktraffic #Redirect